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Norman Fleury

Originally from St. Lazare, Manitoba, Norman Fleury is a gifted storyteller and teacher. Dedicated to the conservation and promotion of the Michif language, he has contributed to dozens of language resources. ...

Adventure and Rebellion

By Press Staff November 27, 2017 Tags: Fall 2017, Reviews

New Team Members!

By Press Staff February 21, 2018 Tags: team, Behind the Scenes

Introducing some of our latest hires! 

Introducing Sean Prpick, Trade Editor

By Press Staff February 21, 2018 Tags: team, At The Press

Introducing Sean Prpick, Trade Editor

Two U of R Press Titles Advance in Gourmand World Cookbook Awards

By Press Staff December 08, 2017 Tags: awards, At The Press

Arab Cooking in a Prairie Homestead wins Arab Cuisine category (Canada) and Speaking in Cod Tongues wins Culinary Travel category (Canada)!

Wendy Whitebear, Business Manager

By Press Staff February 08, 2018 Tags: team, At The Press

Wendy Whitebear on what brought her to U of R Press! 

A Quick Look Back at 2017!

By Press Staff January 02, 2018