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Uncut explores the significance of the foreskin in contemporary culture

The “uncut” penis is viewed by some as attractive or erotic, and by others as ugly or undesirable. Secular parents of male infants ...

Road Through Time

"A beautiful interweaving of memoir and history, of driving narrative and insightful reflection. " - Ken McGoogan, author of Dead Reckoning and Kerouac's Ghost

Accessible and entertaining, Road Through ...

Shaping a World Already Made

By Carl J. Tracie
Foreword by Dennis Cooley
Introduction by John Warkentin

How does reading poetry influence the way we see the Prairies? Cultural geographer Carl J. Tracie explores this question in Shaping a World Already Made, his labour of love to Canadian poetry and to his ...

People of the Plains

Amelia McLean Paget was born in 1867 at Fort Simpson, in what is now the Northwest Territories. Her father, William McLean, was a Scot involved in the fur trade and her mother, Helen Murray, belonged ...

The Dakota of the Canadian Northwest

By demonstrating the great flexibility of the Dakota in adapting to the trying economic circumstances of their environment, The Dakota of the Canadian Northwest has given us a significant example of ...

Grateful Prey

Grateful Preyuncovers the interaction between magico-religious ideology and hunting strategies among the Asinskawoiniwak, or Rock Cree, of Northern Manitoba. Brightman maintains that subsistence strategies ...

The Plains Cree

By David G. Mandelbaum

First published in 1940, David Mandelbaum's study remains the definitive account of the Plains Cree. In this revised edition, first reprinted in 1978, Part One contains the original material dealing with ...