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People of the Plains

People of the Plains

Paperback : 9780889771598, 78 pages, June 2004

Table of contents

Introduction to the 2004 Edition by Sarah Carter

Introduction to the 1909 Edition by Duncan Campbell Scott

Chapter 1
A primeval faith, Kichie Manitou, Machie Manitou, Pow-wah-kunah, The Happy Hunting Ground, Burial Customs, Trust in the Great Spirit

Chapter 2
The Sun Dance, The Invitation, The search for the centre pole, Building the lodge, Enter the dancers, The making of braves, Forms of Torture

Chapter 3
The Medicine Dance, or Dog Feast, Gifts to the Pow-wah-kun, Smoke Dance, War Dance, Buffalo Dance, The Lodge Dance, The Giving-away Dance

Chapter 4
The medicine man, Primitive medicines, Methods of curing the sick, The Ween-de-go, Love philters, Bad medicine, Medical fees, The vapour bath, Food and sanitary measures

Chapter 5
The buffalo, Hunting on the plains, Method of dressing the hides, Embroidery and dyeing, Picture writing, Pemmican and other food preparations

Chapter 6
The scalp-lock, Bravery in war, Reckless daring in hunting, Endurance of pain, Akoose and his hundred-mile race, Courage of women

Chapter 7
Transportation, The travois, Beautiful camping places, Making a wigwam, Tea and Labrador tea, A strange tea-chest, Painting the tepee, Women’s work, Story-telling, Bead work, An ideal existence, Fire-making, Cooking

Chapter 8
Signs and wonders, The naming of children, Peculiar reticence as to names, The alternative, Premonitions and second-sight, The Northern Lights, Ventriloquism

Chapter 9
The love of children, Methods of training, Polygamy, Natural sensitiveness and inherent dignity, Indian oratory, Poetry and satire

Chapter 10
Hospitality, An Indian welcome, Friendly terms of address, No beggars, Decline in good manners, Ingratiating speeches, Practical jokes

Chapter 11
Social feasts, Council meetings, Arranging the signal code, Scouts and scouting, A narrow escpae, Koo-min-ah-koush (Like-a-Pine-Tree), A brave grandmother, The boy's first raid, The subtle warrior, How the Blackfeet were deceived, Chin-ass-cous, A foray and a Sun Dance, A night battle, A prophecy, Kin-ah-cas

Chapter 12
Poetry and music, Constant improvisation, The minor mode, No poetic or musical literature, The march song, Love songs, "The Calling River", The farewell song, A boy’s first song

Chapter 13
The Algonquin divinity, Wee-sack-ka-chack, Napiw, Nay-na-push, Two creation myths

Chapter 14
Two more legends, Wee-sack-ka-chack and the Bald-headed Eagles, Wee-sack-ka-chack and the Fox



Amelia McLean Paget was born in 1867 at Fort Simpson, in what is now the Northwest Territories. Her father, William McLean, was a Scot involved in the fur trade and her mother, Helen Murray, belonged to an illustrious Metis family which had been active in the fur trade for generations. Amelia’s life spanned some of the most tumultuous events in the West, including the disappearance of the buffalo, the North-West Resistance, and the establishment of the reserve system. She had a more sympathetic appreciation of Aboriginal culture than is found in many of her contemporaries. In People of the Plains(first published in 1909), she records her observations of the customs, beliefs, and lifestyles of the Plains Cree and Saulteaux among whom she lived. She died in Ottawa in 1922.