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Spark - Alice Kuipers on Writing for Kids & Young Adults


Alice Kuipers on Writing for Kids & Young Adults

Paperback : 9781779400222, 256 pages, October 2024
Hardcover : 9781779400239, 256 pages, October 2024
Expected to ship: 2024-10-22
Expected to ship: 2024-10-22

Table of contents

Introduction xix
You as a Storyteller, You as a Writer xix
How This Book Works xx
The Books I’ve Written xxiii
Create Your Writing Life Now xxv
1. Ideas
Being Open to Ideas 3
Five Tips to Be Open to Ideas 5
Observation 6
Quieting the Inner Critic 8
Digging Deep for Stories 9
Freewriting: Joy and Fear 10
Regular Writing 12
Lost Ideas 13
Chapter 1 Exercises 15
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
2. Roots 19
My Reading Life 20
Reading Like a Writer 22
The Reading Lists 24
Chapter 2 Exercises 26
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
3. The Options for Writing for Young Readers: Overview 29
Publishing Your Book for Young Readers 29
Should You Write This Story? 31
Thinking about Your Book for Young Readers 33
Good Initial Rules when Writing for Young Readers 35
A Note on the Rules 37
Finding Your Possible Audience 37
Chapter 3 Exercises 39
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
4. The Options for Writing for Young Readers: Specifics for Picture Books and Chapter Books 41
From Picture Books to Chapter Books 41
Picture Books: All Types 43
Board Books 43
Picture Books, General 44
A Note on Rhyme 45
Notes on Illustration 46
The Challenges and Opportunities of Picture Books 48
Easy Readers 51
Chapter Books 52
Polly Diamond 53
Graphic Chapter Books 55
Chapter 4 Exercises 56
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
Picture Book 57
Chapter Book 57
5. The Options for Writing for Young Readers: Middle Grade and Young Adult Books 59
From Middle Grade to Young Adult 59
Middle Grade 61
Young Adult 63
New Adult 65
Taboo Topics—or Not? 65
Challenges and Opportunities for Writing Middle Grade
and Young Adult 66
Genre 66
World Building 69
Three Possible Ways to Begin World Building 69
What Is Structure and How Does It Work? 72
Chapter 5 Exercises 75
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
6. Finding Time and Finding Your Flow 79
Flow 80
Goal Setting 82
Clarity of Goals 84
Concentration and Distraction 88
The Place Where You Work 88
Process 89
Chapter 6 Exercises 90
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
7. Storytelling 93
Sense of Story 93
Becoming a Ghost Transformed My Greatest Writing Weakness 94
Pantser or Planner 96
Useful Words as You Think about Your
Story Architecture 97
Central Dramatic Question 97
Chronology 98
Flashback 98
Language: Cadence, Rhyme, and Rhythm 98
Narrative 99
Outline 99
Plot 100
Point of View 102
Scenes 104
Theme 104
Tense 105
Voice 107
Chapter 7 Exercises 108
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
8. Character 111
Where Do Characters Come From? 111
Act and React 112
Character Flaws and Layers 113
Character Desires and How to Use the Interview 115
Characteristics, Habits, Body Language, and Speech 116
Diversity in Your Characters 118
Physical Attributes 119
Tips for Writing Physical Description 120
Other Key Characters 121
Bit-Part Characters 121
Tips for Writing Your Cast 122
Chapter 8 Exercises 122
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
9. Scenes and Settings 125
Scenes 126
The Four Elements of a Scene 127
Description 127
Writing Description 130
Action 131
Writing Action 133
Dialogue 134
Writing Dialogue 135
Interior Monologue 137
Writing Interior Monologue 138
Chapter 9 Exercises 139
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
10. Drafting Your Book 143
Magic and Moments 145
The Slump in the Middle 147
Tips for When You Get Stuck 150
Chapter 10 Exercises
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
11. Editing 157
The Break 158
Developmental Editing 160
Developmental Edits: Picture Books 160
Developmental Edits: Chapter Books, Middle Grade, and Young Adult 163
Rewriting 166
Line Editing 167
Ten-Point Line-Edit Checklist 168
Finding a Reader 170
Hiring an Editor 174
Chapter 11 Exercises 175
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
Pacing/Structure 177
Characters 177
12. What Happens Next? 179
The Nitty Gritty of Traditional, Hybrid, and Self-Publishing 179
The Traditional Route 180
Self-Publishing 182
7 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Decide 183
Rejection 185
Abandoning 189
Agents 193
Tips to Find an Agent 194
Querying 195
Query Letter and Submission: Final Tips 197
Chapter 12 Exercises 198
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
13. Your Writing Life 201
Social Media and Your Platform 203
Library and School Visits 204
Parenting and Responsibilities 205
Tips for Juggling Responsibilities and Writing 206
Confidence and Writer’s Block 208
Tips for When Your Confidence Flags and You’re Feeling Blocked 210
Final Words 211
Chapter 13 Exercises 211
Practical Task
Writing: 10 Minutes
Writing: 30 Minutes
Taking It Further
Places to Go: Further Reading 213
Picture Books to Get You Excited 213
Chapter Books 215
Younger Chapter Books 215
Older Chapter Books 216
Graphic Chapter Books 218
Middle Grade 218
Younger Middle Grade 218
Classic Middle Grade 219
Series for Younger Middle Grade 221
Older Middle Grade 221
Series for Older Middle Grade 223
Graphic Novels for Middle Grade Readers 223
Young Adult 224
Young Adult for Ages 12 and Up 224
Series for Ages 12 and Up 225
Older Young Adult 226
Series for Ages 14 and Up 228
Graphic Novels for Young Adult Readers 228
Books about Writing that I Love 229
Places to Go Online 229


A guide from bestselling author Alice Kuipers on how to write for children and young adultsfrom igniting an initial idea to creating a finished draft

In Spark, acclaimed children’s and YA author Alice Kuipers shares her rules for writing for readers both young and young at heart, all while discussing the importance of travelling through passion, purpose, joy, and fear across the creative process.

In each chapter, Kuipers explores key aspects of writing for young readers—from voice and character to setting and plot—and provides examples and exercises to help you develop your story. Drawing on her experience as an author and writing coach, Kuipers shares crucial tips, tricks, and techniques that make all the difference for writers, along with some highs and lows of her own writing journey.

Spark is open, honest, and practical—a must-read for aspiring authors and literature fans alike that shows you how to become the writer you’ve always wanted to be.


“A masterpiece for anyone wanting to make their literary dreams come true. WOW! What a treasure of insights into the craft of writing. Spark is completely inspiring and motivating for book lovers and book writers. What a luxurious read. Spark is right up there with King’s On Writing and Hodgins’ A Passion for Narrative.” —Richard Van Camp

Spark is a lovely, wise, yet humble book.”—Jeanette Lynes, author of The Apothecary’s Garden

“Inspiring, creative, and thoughtful; this is the kind of guide that helps turn the act of writing into an art form. Stuffed full of tips, exercises, and observations on why we create, Kuipers helps to make sense of the crazy act of writing. No more blank pages! This book will lead you into your next great idea, perfect character, and wonderful story. There’s something for everyone here from beginners to writers who’ve been around the literary block.” —Arthur Slade, author of the Governor General’s Award-winning Dust

Spark demystifies every single step from prewriting to rewriting and from process to publication with inspiration and honesty. It’ll live on my bookshelf within easy reach!” —Teresa Toten

“Alice Kuipers brings the sometimes-daunting world of writing for children down to its important and practical component parts, and does it in a manner that is encouraging and inspiring.” —Kathy Kacer